Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM)
Collaboration, foresight, assurances and real-world experiences are all essential requirements for inspiring and encouraging young people to develop skills and knowledge for a successful and fulfilling career in an increasingly connected and digitalised workplace. A good quality STEM education will help to develop technology literacy as well as skills such as critical thinking, challenging convention, creative problem solving and agility. Capita Entrust is one of 12 delivery partners selected by STEM Learning to promote STEM activities and opportunities across the West Midlands and will provide your school and your teaching staff with the practical support and opportunities to ensure both current and future pupils benefit from safe, inspirational and dynamic STEM learning.
Our extensive experience working with thousands of STEM ambassadors will help you to expand and enhance your approach to STEM education – helping teachers to stay in tune with ever-evolving career opportunities in industry and helping pupils to develop appropriate vocational and technical competencies. And, in addition to our wide range of teaching support and improvement services in STEM and related subjects, we also offer advice and full biennial inspection services to help you maintain compliance with all Ionising Radiation regulations.
We will provide you with:
- Access to an extensive network of STEM ambassadors from practically every sector of industry.
- First-hand knowledge and insight to add value to your STEM education programme.
- The insight to ensure your STEM learning programme is always aligned with trends and the latest developments within industry.
- An assessment of your current working practices relating to the storage and usage of radioactive materials.
- Qualified Radiation Protection Officers to undertake biennial inspections for science departments holding ionising radiation sources.
- The reassurance that comes with expert advice and recommendations on the safe storage and usage of radioactive materials.
- The opportunities to raise any areas of potential concern with ionising radiation sources.
Statutory requirements
In addition to our wide range of teaching support and improvement services in STEM and related subjects, we also offer advice and full biennial inspection services to help you maintain compliance with all Ionising Radiation regulations.
- An assessment of your current working practices relating to the storage and usage of radioactive materials.
- Qualified Radiation Protection Officers to undertake biennial inspections for science departments holding ionising radiation sources.
- The reassurance that comes with expert advice and recommendations on the safe storage and usage of radioactive materials.
- The opportunities to raise any areas of potential concern with ionising radiation sources.
- Advice on the disposal of sources no longer required or supported for use in schools
Download our product catalogue for more information about the services we offer.

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Contact us to enquire about our servicesOr, call us on 0333 300 1900